Sunday, January 27, 2008

Windows Work Environment Tip

If you are using windows as your working environment, it is obvious that you want to open some files in Notepad, though you don't want to open it in Notepad by default. Adding context senstive menu when you right click on a file or folder is pretty simple.

Follow these eight simple instructions to learn about how to do it. Yes, this requires editing Registry, so be becareful.

Java 2007 a look !!!

Read through some blog and came to know that Function types and closure are being added to Java standard api and syntax. It never came to my suprise.. that's because I didn't know what function types and closures are? But after reading it, I came to know that I have used function closures without knowing what they are.. It is very common in ActionScripts and Javascript.

Function type are similar to Pointer functions in C/C++. They are special data types for holding reference to functions. So know you can even have local functions. We can use other variables visible in the scope inside the function.

Monday, January 21, 2008

How many to learn?!?!

As a famous saying says "Too much of anything is not good!!", this truly applies to Java Web development frameworks. There are very many frameworks and following are some of the terms you will always find in Java Resumes:

"Java, Struts, Sprint MVC, Ant, Hibernate"

I am not expert at even any one of these. Not even struts!! So if I want to learn something it is spending my worthful time and I should get enough returns on my time! So just made a research online to see how the trends of Java Web development framework varies.

The following are some of the frameworks compared:

I cannot put most of the details/statistics here as information provided is copy righted. So you can read them here.

Certainly JSF seems to be in leading position in terms of Job creation and demand. So guess it's worth learning!!!

Happy learning!!

Looking at C# wearing Java Glass?

I always loved Microsoft products whether it is there operating system or any software development tool. The computer that I first used had windows 95 and from that Windows has always been my favorite operating system. So I have spent lot of time developing small projects only on windows (and till now!). By the time we studied Visual Basic and Java in our high school, I always loved VB, cursing Java for not having any IDE (atleast my teacher didn't introduce any Java IDE to us. But it is there at that time!). Most of the time we have to memorize the syntax of Java, where we do VB just like that. Java lab is always a big problem!! I hated Java to the core!!

But my career made me work on Java and I came to know lot of professional IDEs (eclipse) available for Java which are far better than Visual Basic IDEs. I still love Eclipse IDE more than Microsoft Visual C# express edition 2008 (never had a look at professional version though). As a fan of Microsoft, I thought to take a look at C# from the perspective of Java.

Sure C# had lots and lot of language structs and keyword to code on. But how frequently are they used? I really don't understand the reason for having a struct as well as class. But C# have the concept of Managed Pointers and also allows free pointer manipulating is allowed which is something cool! But I really don't want or expect Java to have those features. I am fine with what Java already has. But still I am learning C# is going to be fun!!!!

Happy coding!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

finding a good programmer !!!

Please follow this link.

The author explains how to find and recruit a good programmer. I am sure this will be important to us as well when we prepare our resume..!!! After reading that I definitely seem to be a good programmer not considering the fact that the author wrote a raycast engine at 14 (I started programming at 18!)

Good bye!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Flat Button using swing

I always wonder about how people creating such a nice button and swing controls in swing. Swing provides the most customizable user interface. Though I am not expert in it, just tried myself to do something that will give me a better understanding of how all these things fit together.

All the components in swings are rendered by ComponentUI, so a component delegates the painting job to ComponentUI. For example, a JButton will be a rendered by BasicButtonUI (not exactly!). So ComponentUI which renders a component is decided based on the LAF (look & feel) selected. So to create a new look, you just create ComponentUI for all the swing components.

windows look and feel for JButton is provided by WindowsButtonUI.

When I first read, this I thought it's bit difficult to understand, actually it's pretty easy to understand. So I tried to create a Flat Button (you can think of them as buttons that appear on toolbar in standard Microsoft Office App.).

To create your own UI for Button, we start by extending MetalButtonUI, by just overriding some painting function, we can create customized LAF for the Button.

The picture below shows the button that I tried to implement.

Java code below shows how it is done:

public class JFlatButton extends JButton

protected PaintProperties paintProp;

public JFlatButton(String text)

public JFlatButton(Action action) {

public JFlatButton(Icon icon) {

public JFlatButton(String text,Icon icon) {

public void setUI(ButtonUI ui) {
// defaults
if(paintProp==null) {
paintProp = new PaintProperties();
paintProp.borderColor = Color.BLACK;
paintProp.rollOver1 = Color.WHITE;
paintProp.rollOver2 = Color.LIGHT_GRAY;

paintProp.pressed1 = paintProp.rollOver2;
paintProp.pressed2 = paintProp.rollOver1;
// override the UI
// always set our UI instead of platform based LAF!
super.setUI(new MetalButtonUI() {
protected void paintButtonPressed(Graphics g, AbstractButton b) {
// if back group paint required
if ( b.isContentAreaFilled() ) {
Dimension size = b.getSize();
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;

Paint paint = g2d.getPaint(); // save to restore

GradientPaint pt = new GradientPaint(new Point2D.Float(0,0),paintProp.pressed1,new Point2D.Float(0,b.getHeight()),paintProp.pressed2);
g.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);



public void update(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
// under normal condition, don't render the background
// on roll over render my custom color
if(model.isRollover()) {
paint(g, c);

protected void drawBG(Graphics g,JComponent b) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
Paint paint = g2d.getPaint(); // save to restore
GradientPaint pt = new GradientPaint(new Point2D.Float(0,0),paintProp.rollOver1,new Point2D.Float(0,b.getHeight()),paintProp.rollOver2);
// fill button

// draw border line

g2d.setPaint(paint); // restore

protected void paintFocus(Graphics g, AbstractButton b,
Rectangle viewRect, Rectangle textRect, Rectangle iconRect){
// nothing, focus not rendered!
// override some properties

public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

public PaintProperties getPaintProp() {
return paintProp;

public void setPaintProp(PaintProperties paintProp) {
this.paintProp = paintProp;

Code is self explanatory and sufficiently commented. (I don't understand some code, I will always sun's similar implementation. They are commented well! really well!!!)

After reading about this and implementing something with what I learned, really helped me to understand it clearly.

Here you can find something similar to this but with JTabbedPane .. Really good resource..

Happy swinging!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Permutation generator !!!!

Unintentionally I visited this site and I felt cool, so thought of sharing (or keeping it for me to use later)!! Never thought generating permutation is so easy and they say this is the fastest permutation generating algorithm.. when algorithms get efficient, always coding gets tougher.. but not this time.. Though I didn't try to write it in any programming language, but the algorithms itself looks pretty simple(especially if i do it JAVA)

Let try to find the complexity of it..

To find the permutation of 'n', it needs to know the permutation of 'n-1', which in turn needs 'n-2'
Once we have n-1 permutation for 'n', we need to duplicate each entry 'n' times and then weave 'n'.
so totally it takes 2n assuming we already know 'n-1'

for n-1 it will take 2(n-1)...

so for n : 2n + 2(n-1) + 2(n-2) + ... 2 = 2(n+n-1+...1) = 2n(n+1)/2 = n(n+1) = O(n^2).. is it right? I think so!!!

Happy analyzing !!!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Turning back @ C++ after very very long time...

After very long time, recently I tried to refresh my C++ skills. Though I never mastered C++ I have done some considerable amount of work. This includes 3D snake game using Direct X (Those good old days in college when I had lot of spare time to do these stuffs even wasting considerable amount of time !!!). I am a visual C++ beginner at that time. (no I am not a expert now.. now I don't know Visual C++ at all!) I downloaded Visual C++ express edition 2008, download was pretty fast despite downloaded file is some couple of 100 MB. Installed it and just opened it. Look and feel is really good, but started little slow (could be because of reading the feeds from Microsoft site to show on the start up page).

I created a new windows form application. I was expecting some huge code generation like MFC, but not. I tried to open the source code and found a following piece of code.

// Test.cpp : main project file.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Form1.h"

using namespace Test;

[STAThreadAttribute] // <-- What is this? - 1
int main(array ^args) // <--- looks like a smiley - 2
// Enabling Windows XP visual effects before any controls are created

// Create the main window and run it
Application::Run(gcnew Form1()); // gcnew ! gcnew - garbage Collector ! - 3
return 0;

I couldn't even understand syntactically some 3 lines.

1. Guess it could be annotation (I was working in Java for sometime)
2. Template based collection classes (Java generics equivalent)
3. gcnew - garbage collector - wow! garbage collector in Visual C++, cool!!!

These are my assumption, I will try to explore it a little more after sometime.. I felt definitely I need some exploration to understand these things. Let us see what I am upto!!!

Happy coding!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Strange Connection - Java with Assembly language

It might be surprising to know that it is possible to call assembly code directly from Java, even though Java doesn't even give you the freedom (rather problem) of handling pointers. (Don't say all native are assembly code after all!). It was reading this blog. I never done any JNI as such and but have some understanding of how it works. After reading this I felt like I never understood JNI completely. To understand this article to some extends you need good understanding of Java, JNI, Assembly language programming. Though I am unable to completely the follow the Assembly code, it gave me a fairly good idea about how it works. Really great article. In a similar article the author also explains about calling Java program from Assembly.. Sick !!!

Happy Coding!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Feel free write a buggy code...

Reading through this blog and I was amazed to see how even the most experienced programmer makes simple mistake. This blog shows that Sun's implementation of Binary search which had a bug and it was undiscovered for some 9 years..! Though this is a extreme case (binary search fails if the array contains some billion elements.. :) ), it is still a bug..!

So don't feel bad if your code has some bugs..! Just chill out!!!!

Do you love your code?

Every programmer feels happy and satisfied once he completes his project and same with me as well. I was reading through this blog and I learned we should not love our code. If you love your code, you have the following problem:

1. When you find some bug later in your code, you might hesitate to tell this to people. (appraisal at stake!)

2. You will not be open to comments or enhancements

3. You will never think about enhancing your code. We should always look for enhancement.

So I should start hating my code...!