Monday, October 09, 2006

Java and Vista not playing well together....

Well, we all are dreaming about vista the new operating system from MS. Eventhough we have many good news about vista, there are few bad news about it too... When the project was initially started, Vista has got hell lot of features, but as days passes by MS stop many planned features of vista, atleast for this release. I got a newsletter explaining that Aero Effect of Vista is not coming along with Java GUI stuff. Take a look at the news letter I got...


Two items at caught my eye this week and seemed worth mentioning to you. First, barring the occurrence of some major unforeseen problem, Microsoft is just one final test version away from releasing the “golden master” of its new Vista operating system. This is really big news for both Microsoft and the industry as a whole, even if Vista has lost several of its more intriguing features during the years of its development. Vista is the next wave of big business for Microsoft and for legions of ISVs, system integrators, OEMs and resellers whose economic prospects are tied in with those of the industry leader. (Note: I have to tell you I made a Freudian slip when first typing the previous sentence, typing “bug business” rather than “big business.” Of course, “u” and “i” are very close to one another on the keyboard) Many billions of dollars are at stake with Vista, numbers so huge most of us probably cannot even begin to comprehend their scale. For Microsoft to be just one final “test version” away from finalizing its next big thing is major news for our whole industry, if not for the global economy.

The second item was a disconcerting one, at least one the surface of things. It appears that Vista and certain desktop Java applications do not play well together. One of the most prominent features of Vista is the “Aero” graphics effects that give the Vista UI its distinctive, high-gloss appearance. In testing at eWEEK Labs it was discovered that running Swing or Eclipse SWT applications can cause this slick-looking Vista eye candy to be completely disabled, at least on the recent pre-release build 5728 of Vista. If you’re interested in more details, then a nice discussion of this problem and its possible causes and solutions is available in the forums at Javalobby.

So, let’s put two and two together. Vista is just one final test version away from being released to production, and Java desktop applications are somehow disabling the slickest and most visible part of the new Vista interface. I don’t know how you feel about it, but I think this is potentially a very sticky situation. I have not heard any indication that this problem is the result of some new conspiracy involving either of the former archrivals, Sun and Microsoft. On the contrary, it seems to be a genuine case of a regrettable technical problem that is getting noticed very late in the game, perhaps too late for it to be fixed before Vista is finalized. Another interesting link last month, “Microsoft's Process: What it takes to get a bug fixed before Vista ships” made clear how impressively difficult it is to get changes made to Vista. Judging from that description, it will be a minor miracle if this Java/Vista problem is successfully resolved. Ooops!

Courtest :

************************* Newsletter ends ***********************

This too from javalobby...

Interesting, it seems that in the most recent post-RC1 build of Vista (5728) when you run Java applications (either Swing based or SWT-based, like Eclipse) not only are the Aero/Glass effects disabled for the individual application, but completely disabled on the desktop until you close the Java application.


Well, some argue that it's Vista fault, it's related to OpenGL Driver...

It's related to OpenGL usage. You may need to download an OpenGL driver from Khronos that is native Vista compatible, otherwise it will an old non-Vista aware OpenGL driver which I've heard disables the Vista compositing stuff. You either have to uninstall your 3D card specific OpenGL driver and let the default MS Vista OpenGL->DirectX wrapper work, or, you need a new Vista approved OpenGL ICD.

It's not Java specific. Any OpenGL app that is windowed and not full screen will cause the problem. I think only NVidia offers a beta ICD driver for Vista that is compatible with Aero.


I'm waiting for Vista... but hell i need to buy a new PC to run that.... :(