Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Forgot my id...!

Today happened something that is really funny.. as usual I woke up very late and I have to rush to office. As a saying says "haste makes waste", I forgot to carry my office ID card. But it's ok not a big deal I can just get a temporary id card for the day...

So I went straight to the receptionist and our conversation goes as follows:

Me: excuse me... ah.. (starting problem) I forgot my id card..
Receptionist: Cisco ID ?? (with tone of a question)
Me: Yes
Receptionist: Cisco IIDD?? (with a tone of question, but with little more stress!)
Me: yeah.. yeah..
giving out a big exhale ...
Receptionist: CISCO IIDD?? (now with irritation)
Me: yes
I thought she is asking whether I forgot my cisco id.. !! :)
Receptionist: ah.. (wishing to slap me!!) WHAT IS YOUR CISCO ID NUMBER?
Me: (With a really stupid smile) oh cisco id number.. 2 ah.. 3 ah. x x x x x x

and she gave me a temporary id card and I got it with a insane smile.. :)

and my day goes on well!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Netbeans 6.1

Netbeans 6.1 is really cool and it has really improved a lot. Certainly main add-on which comes prepackaged makes Netbeans 6.1 a really cool IDE. When I tried to get JSF plugin installed for Eclipse 3.3 I really have to spend lot of time figuring out the right plugin and right version. I really got tired to doing it, so I tried Netbeans 6.1. To my suprise its really easy to do it in NB.

Also the new javascript support for netbeans is awesome. Take a look @ Netbeans TV

But still there are certain features that are missing in Netbeans which makes me stick to eclipse. But surely I will use Netbeans more in the future!