Recently I stumpled upon, Microsoft's photosynth. I am amazed to see what a software can do. What Photosynth does is mind blowing. From the bunch of photos of a same place, it tries to find a pattern among them and constructs a 3D image of it!! I can't even imagine, how they are doing this? Even human brain will have difficulty doing that. Amazing!
Take a look @
Photosynth.netyou will have to install silverlight plugin (something similar to flash plugin)..
Good to see that you have discovered the joy of photosynth... Sad that you had to had to describe silverlight as "something similar to flash plugin". It is one of the best products from MS after a long long time. Its gonna give a very stiff competition to flash.
Check this synth out -
ha... ha.. i knew about silverlight little long ago.. i tried installing the plugin as well and it was really slow back then.. the latest version is pretty cool...
The real sad thing is that even in microsoft site silverlight plugin is explained as "something similar to flash plugin"!!! Flash is there for little more than a decade and it is almost there in every PC.. silverlight is gonna take long time (may be not!) to reach that many deployments.. lets see..
but i have been seeing silverlight video player is many sites now!
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