Sunday, December 30, 2007

Swing Fuse - Style Injector

Just reading through some blogs and I found about Swing Fuse. So I just went on to read little more about it. Programming in swings for over an year, I never thought or wished you need such a feature. But when I saw Swing Fuse, I wonder how could I spent an year without even thinking something like will be required.

Swing Fuse will be very much useful when we create rich client application. Swing fuse is not for traditional swing programmer who use Swing as it comes from Sun. (like me!) But when you create rich looking applications swing fuse comes really handy. When you work with rich client apps, UI and colors are most important and it keep changing. So hard coding them in a code is not a good idea and swing fuse is the solution for this. Just inject the UI information.. That's it!! pretty cool ah! Didn't try this out.. but looks promising... More about Swing Fuse is here..

Keep Swinging till then.. Good bye..!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Microsoft surface

Microsoft surface is a cool technology from Microsoft and it defines a new way to interact with the computers.. Very impressive.. waiting to see it, guess it will be available in US by end of 2008 and surely will take some 1 or 2 years to reach India.

Great... Have look here!

Java IDE wars !

When I first started Java programming in school days, I never loved Java as I love it today. That's mainly because of the lack of IDE (actually I didn't aware of one). In good old days, when we started learning Java, we used notepad to write java code. At the same time we learnt VB, which comes with a cool IDE. I never knew that such thing exist for java as well...

But my ignorance didn't last for a long time.. I came to know about Eclipse and later exposed to couple of other IDE. Still I love and use eclipse in my day to day work. I tried using Netbeans, but I didn't like it.. Some basic features like a. Progressive search (available in 6.0), b. Call Hierarchy etc. are not available in NetBeans (to name a few). There are other IDEs which I haven't used yet.. Some IDEs comes for free and other for cost.

This podcast compares the various IDEs and the feature of IDEs in 2008.. But still Eclipse rocks and I will continue to use Eclipse .....

Read-Only Collections...

Recently I was looking at some open source code and I found out that there is utility function in Collections class which could come handy. When you have mutable Collection object and you don't want anybody to edit (add/delete item) the list, you can just derive immutable version of the same object using the following function..


If somebody tries to edit the derived list, they will get a neat UnSupportedOperationException. You might wonder why would you need such a list.. If you are working on project with some 50 odd people and you need to make sure that your list (which could be used in some other place) should not be modified by any other fellow programmer, this is the right way to do..!

Happy programming !

This could really come handy in some scenarios as I said above..

Good Bye!